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Showing posts from February, 2023

Postnatal support across the pond..

Last year, I had the pleasure of connecting with Vickie Bowles, a UK baby nurse and founder of The Baby Academy , on LinkedIn. Our shared perspective on sleep training led us to a Zoom call and the idea of co-writing a blog post on postnatal support in the first ten days at home for new parents in the UK and US.   In the UK and US, postnatal support can vary greatly, but there are some common themes when it comes to providing support to new parents in the first ten days at home. Here are five top tips for postnatal support:   Take care of yourself: While it's easy to focus all of your attention on the baby, it's so important to remember to take care of yourself too. Make sure you're getting enough rest, nourishment, and support. This may mean asking for help with household chores or getting some additional support from friends or family.   Get to know your baby: Each baby is different and has their own unique needs. Take the time to bond with your baby and learn their cues